SME’s Receive Support to Develop an Ageing Workforce Plan

Corporate Champions Cluster 2Over 96% of businesses in Australia have fewer than 20 staff and yet they employ over 50% of all workers. Four percent employ 20 – 199 staff. Less than 1% of companies employ over 200 staff. Small business is the backbone of any economy and community. However small business faces a unique set of risks and challenges from the ageing of the population.

Partners in Change are pleased to be partnering with BUSY At Work to deliver a program of support to small businesses in SE Queensland. We launched a program recently with 8 companies. Comprising 4 workshops and in company coaching we will assist the companies to develop a strategy to manage the risks and impacts of the ageing of their workforces. The program is funded by DEEWR through the Experience + program.

In introducing the program, CEO of BUSY At Work Paul Miles said, “over the next decade one of the major challenges facing businesses is the impact of an ageing population and the inherent human resource strategies required.  The question for Australia is just how can we get businesses to click on the “like” button for mature-age workers right now?  The hurdle for change is with industry not jobseekers.  A well implemented workforce strategy that engages mature-aged workers will improve morale, team work and productivity.”

Congratulations to the following companies who have already signed up. Australian Childcare Career Options, Ablecare Foundation, Bernafon Australia, Horizon Foundation, Master Electricians Australia, Queensland Credit Union, Regional Group Training and Rogers Transport.

If you would like to know more about how you could participate contact us.



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