Strategy Builder Program
The workforce is ageing. This significant change is impacting businesses now!
- Are you prepared?
- Do you know your risks?
- Do you have strategies in place?
The impact is already being felt with
- Skill shortages in some sectors and regions
- The scaling back on growth plans due to labour shortages
- Increasing costs
- Loss of critical skill, experience and knowledge
- Missed business opportunities
We recommend taking a strategic approach that focuses on developing evidence informed strategy, identifying your risks and opportunities and then developing targeted strategies and action plans.
See Geoff’s interview with the Commission For Financial Capability
See Geoff interview four Tasmanian companies who completed the Cluster program

Enterprise Program

A customised program for organisations with over 200 staff. We will work with you to develop a practical strategy and action plan to manage your specific business risks and to realise your opportunities. We will work alongside you to build your capability to better manage the significant changes that are taking place in your organisation.
5 Stage Process
- Analysis of your workforce and demographic data – identifying your “hotspots” and risk areas
- Review of your policies and practices for age friendliness
- Interviews with key stakeholders to better understand their perspectives
- Focus groups with mature aged employees to understand their needs, concerns and intentions
- Risk assessment, strategy and action planning.
What you will receive
- Five context papers providing better practice insights and summarising the key findings
- A Mature Aged Workforce Strategy and Action Plan
- Skills to better manage your challenges
- Reduce your business risks
- Retain vital skills and experience
- Engage and benefit from your mature aged workers
- Ensure workforce stability and succession
- Become an employer of choice
- Improve your bottom line
- Build your capability
- Identify new business opportunities
SME Cluster Program

Join with 8-10 other businesses for a 4-month development program. Learn and work together on the challenges you face from an ageing workforce. Leave with new ideas, practical solutions and an action plan. As a bonus also discover new opportunities for your business from the ageing of the population. Over 4 months you will participate in three 4-hour workshops, undertake up to 11 hours of practical on job exercises plus receive a 2-hour coaching session.
Topics covered
- The population is ageing – business risks and opportunities
- Becoming an age friendly employer of choice
- Practical solutions to challenging issues
- Discovering new business opportunities
- Developing a Strategy and Action Plan
- Implementation coaching
- Reduce your business risks
- Retain vital skills and experience
- Engage and benefit from your mature aged workers
- Ensure workforce stability and succession
- Become an employer of choice
- Improve your bottom line
- Build your capability
- Identify new business opportunities
In New Zealand this programme qualifies for NZTE Capability Development Vouchers for approved businesses. Click here for further information
What participants have said
“We have new tools and ways of thinking. We have a better understanding of how mature aged workers think and what’s important to them. We want to more actively promote our business as an age friendly workplace.”
“As a medium sized company when faced with an ageing workforce, we will look at different and innovative solutions to retain our valued workers.”
“Some of the issues for older workers hadn’t even crossed my mind. It challenged my stereotypes as a younger HR person.”
“I learnt that I need to ask older workers what is important for them and not to assume I know, I don’t. Conversations are important.”
“Participation has meant we are now thinking more broadly about age groups in the staff and have started thinking more about our people as individuals and their lives….As an executive we play with things, now we have the tools to start doing something really good.”
“The program gave us an opportunity to focus on the mature employee. Previously we were reactive just dealing with issues as they arose. It has increased our awareness of the issues and challenges we face and it has got us focussed.” OD Manager
“We have new tools and ways of thinking. We have a better understanding of how mature aged workers think and what’s important to them, in the past we just guessed. We want to more actively promote [company name] as an age friendly workplace”